Remember the excitement when you are starting a new journey; being in a new relationship, going to new places or exploring the world?
The intense of the vibe, energy and passion cluttered within until anything that you touch would be magical together with expectation of things that you might stumble on; you just do not know. Thus, your heart pound faster, mind are lingering on the line of sparkle rainbow and throughout the journey that you went on restlessly; it's all getting dimmer and dimmer.
Suddenly, the energy drawer itself slowly just at the moment when you are almost reach the end of the journey in the dark woods. All the experience gained; left by the person whom we care and love, stumbled to the ground and non-mended shattered hearts; making us stronger.
Upon many chances, challenges has made you to give up upon this journey; until the chime plays at the last heave of breath trying to stop you by saying it is enough.
Hope would not make you give up as it is the main reason why you were on the path; to seek, to know and to gain endless journey. Hence, there is no halt, period nor full stop. Strength will rise throughout your blood and giving you the ultimate ability.
To keep the pace, steps and track with no end limit.
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