Monday, January 9, 2012

Seeking For Love


Don’t search for love. Don’t accept anyone who passes by. Don’t give yourself easily just because you’re lonely.

Hang on, be patient and don’t make yourself desperate enough to search for it; because love are not Chrysanthemum flower which you can found and pluck easily by the roadside.

When the time is right, love will come to you and by then, you will deliver your best effort.

How do you know that love is there?

It is when you keep on smiling for no reason, your heart pound faster and always exited when the person is there. In shorts words; you yourself will tell you.

Good things will come to the people who wait, pray and hope.

Don’t seek for love as it will hurt you more and the person whom just accepted randomly.

Enough hurting yourself but hurting other people’s feeling? It is non-acceptable nor can be forgiven easily. So don’t start to do it.

Don’t force yourself to be in love; make yourself to fall in love.

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