Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Page 39 0f 366

Rhythm of Life

Music Alone

Life is much more like a music.

We begin in a smooth and relax pace like jazz; within a period of time, it’s getting hard and bumpy as shitty things comes by as a side order. Rock songs will be the main tunes during this stage of life and as our life is getting organize and routine starting to shows up, we’ll stuck with R&B because only the beats which makes us alive going through the challenges.

Despite our heads and ears might jumble later on, drama begins and our life that was initially boring goes wild. Backstabbing, being left and getting people whom you could trust will be the main headlines in before you even wake up.

We call it….the opera.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi old fwen...KIKILALA here!!fuh!! ada blog juwak kawan..dah follow kitak ctowk..hehe..Dya da blog juak..jemput datang blog kmk urang..hehe...gud luck!
