Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Sometimes it better to say "No"

As my life journey goes on, I realized that every time people seeking me for help. I will definitely say "Yes" to them without thinking and gradually have to squeeze my help into the packed time schedule that I have.

Due to that, I barely have the time to sit down and heat up the chair because every 5 minutes or two my brain keep having these pop-up reminding me on what I will do next. Yet, sometimes I just ignored it until at a certain point the pile of yes-to-an-aid being threw to me straight to the face and causes me to run, rumble, and stumble to lots of pre-mature effects.

Then, there is the new semester which I already vow to myself on to do not interfere with something in which is not in my league, my field or even if it does not involve academically.

Thinking all of the sudden problem, I learn to say "No" and even my lips is quite hard to say to but I manage to spell it out.

So for you people whom always say yes which eventually will make your life more catastrophic, learn to say "No".

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I rarely talk with people. But when they ask for help...I did try my best to say yes.
