Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Thank you very much to VC and TNC

As a student in UiTM, you will get food allowance which is for a month you will get RM120.

I haven’t been qualified to have it since two semesters ago and now, I’m trying my luck to write an appeal letter for the food allowance.

And you know what? It has been approved since 19th August 2010 and yet, I still haven’t get my allowance yet.

Therefore, after much deliberation from both Pejabat Kolej and Bendahari of UiTM, I took an initiative to bring this to the VC’s awareness via Facebook.

Guess what?

It is pretty handy. Just see the reply below.

CaptureIt’s very effective way on how the student could bring forward their problem to the top people in Shah Alam.

Since the TNC made a called twice to UiTM Kota Samarahan’s HEP office, I personally think that the officer who is responsible for this matter has jump up from their seat.

I mean, it’s is the Monday, the day you work after celebrating your Raya and then you got a call from TNC himself?

Plus, since Dato’ TNC said he has called twice; the first call is to the HEP officer; I do not know to whom the second call being directed to.

But then, B.J told me that Prof. Madya Dr. Wan Akil, Timbalan Pengarah HEP, want to see me upon something sounds like “piji” or sound more like that, I think I know to whom that second call has been directed too.


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