Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Recent life and events

Yeah yeah yeah. I know i haven’t updated this blog in a while.

Okay….in a long while. Sheesh, talking about promises to update regularly. I do not know what happen to me this semester. There’s to be seem a lacking of persuasion and discipline in me to do something that I meant to do.

Since I have my camera, I have been to multiple events to take some shots and recently, I’ve been ask to be the photographer for some previous and upcoming events.

There is no monetary transaction involved but they gave me certificate for my participation in the event. As a student who will graduate in one month time, it is crucial to me to get as many as cert as possible. I mean, I can’t depend on the debate cert only.


Here is one of my first shot from my Nikon D5000. Even you can say it looks nice but the fact is that I’m not a good photographer at all. During those previous events, I couldn’t create beautiful shots. Perhaps due to I’m still new at this, hence I have to read and practice a lot with those shoots.

Well, practise made perfect.

Last Saturday, I went to Semenggoh Wild Life Park and there, I took one of my first nature shoot; the Orang Utan.


One thing that I believe is that it is not the camera who take good pictures; it’s the person behind it.

I’m still learning of course and perhaps I’ll be getting good at this.

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