Saturday, May 2, 2009

Economy and it's sanity

To be frank, I'll have my Economy paper tomorrow and still didn't bother to learn.

Why oh why my course have to learn economy?

It's not like I'll turn into a banker or something.

And what is the link of "Ladang" with economy?

I still can't obtain the correct, exact and right answer to the question.

Hopefully, tomorrow's Economy paper will touch about the economic recession that has been a global subject in the whole world because; it is not I'm being proud or such; for this type of question, I will get the top marks among of all my classmates.

Darn, I still can't focus myself to study?

It's like I'm allergic to question that has numbers?

And how on earth I'll try to cover up 3 months of chapters in a single night?
Pray for me....

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